How Depression Affects High School Students



Mental health is not talked about much and not a lot of people know what mental illnesses are exactly.

Mental health drastically affects students’ wellbeing, which is why it is important to learn about mental disorders.

Researching mental health issues is vital to understanding people with them.

This website will help students learn more about depression and how to better understand their peers. Not only that, but this website will also help students with depression feel understood and acknowledged.

Here are a few examples of things you could do to support someone with depression and examples of things you should not do:

Tell them that it could be worse ✗

Tell them you’re there for them ✓

Tell them to just think positively ✗

Be a good listener ✓

Minimize and dismiss their feelings ✗

Help them with tasks ✓

Compare them to others ✗

Offer to find them help ✓

Depression is a tough topic, but it's crucial to understand it.