Statistics of Depression


Depression is very common; however, it is often overlooked and sometimes even romanticized.

“11.5 percent of US youth (over 2.7 million high school students) are experiencing major depressive disorder with severe impairment” (Newport Academy).

Depression may be a common mental illness, but treatment for depression is not as common.

“3 in 5 teens with depression received no mental health treatment. In some states, three-quarters of high school students with depression did not receive mental health services” (Newport Academy).

“On average, fewer than 1 in 3 adolescents with severe depression received consistent care” (Newport Academy).

Depression is a major difficulty for high school students, especially if they are not recieving treatment.

“Seven-in-ten U.S. teens said anxiety and depression is a major problem among people their age in the community where they live” (Davis, Geiger).

A lot of people are often not familar with how serious depression is and why it is important to support and understand people with depression. Simple things such as talking to or being nice to peers can make such a drastic difference in their lives.