The Creator


As someone who is diagnosed with depression, my experience of high school was not the best. After I was diagnosed and started treatment (medication and therapy), my grades have improved significantly. Having almost all a’s each quarter. Before I was diagnosed and treated, my grades were not the best. I was barely passing classes with a c. I did not participate in many school activities or clubs. The only school activity I was a part of was orchestra. Now, I am in track and field, NTHS, and I am first chair viola in WFHS orchestra. Not only am I more involved in school activities, but I also talk to my peers more often. Before I was diagnosed and treated, I did not talk to people unless I had to. I only had two friends. After I was diagnosed and treated, I have more friends and class discussions are more enjoyable. I am not saying that being treated and diagnosed cured my depression. I still struggle with depression despite treatment, but I feel much better than I did before treatment.